
Servers assist in the celebration of the Mass and are rostered in pairs, including preparation of the altar before, during and after Mass.

Initial training is provided by the Sacristan, and Servers are commissioned within the Liturgy to minister in this role.

Initial training is provided and Servers are commissioned within the Liturgy to minister in this role. Please contact the Parish Priest for more information.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held in the Parish Meeting Rooms during the 9:00am Mass at Headcorn and the 10:30am Mass at Parkwood. The children are invited to the sanctuary after the greeting at the beginning of Mass to go with the team leaders to the Meeting Room. It is for children from Kindergarten to Year 6.

It is not a Sunday School but is rather a liturgical celebration of the Word parallel to that same celebration in the Church with the adult community, but presented in a way that helps the children liturgically celebrate the Liturgy of the Word (Scripture readings). At the conclusion of the Liturgy of the Word, the children return to the Church to be with their families for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

For further information about the Children’s Liturgy of the Word or, if you would like to become involved in this ministry, please contact the Parish Priest who will put you in contact with one of the co-ordinators.

Eucharistic Ministers at Mass

These Parishioners assist in the celebration of the liturgy at Holy Communion.

They may also take Holy Communion to those who are sick and elderly, or those unable to attend Mass.